Barrier Matting
Barrier mats act as a first line of defence against heavy mud, dirt and moisture getting tracked into into your facility while also helping prevent slip and fall accidents. The secondary benefit of being able to track contaminants is to stop the spread of germs and allergens through the building to create a healthier workplace for everyone.
At Ultimats, we present our three warrior heroes:
- UltiZig: Open Z-construction matting
- Ultimat: vinyl looped matting
- UltiScrape: stiff yarn scraper matting
all designed to barricade your premises against heavy debris and mud.

Z-web structure heavy duty matting with all around compressed borders available with and without backing

Premium vinyl looped coil matting with all around compressed borders in a choice of two thicknesses and backing styles

Stiff‑fibre scraper cut‑pile commercial entrance barrier matting with double‑reinforced borders